Couple of Portraits

I took these two shots the week before Zack Arias’ weekend workshop Foundations of a Working Photographer. Most of the shooting during the class was portraiture, since that’s Zack’s bread and butter. A few of the things he kept repeating throughout the weekend were “head in a clean spot” meaning make sure nothing appears to be sticking out of a subject’s head, “eyes to the light,” and “repetitive shapes and forms.”

These are not new concepts to me, but they finally seem to be sinking in…at least when I look at other people’s photos. Over the last week, while I have been viewing other portraits – my own as well as ones in magazines, on websites, even from my own wedding – I’ve been paying closer attention to these specific details.

My next assignment is about light as subject using black and white. So far it’s been a lot of fun shooting for it. I’ll have more to say on that soon. In the meantime, here are a couple portraits that I am pretty happy with from a couple of weeks ago.

Reflected Light Portrait

Window Light Portrait


  1. Awesome, Mike! You sure have a beautiful wife.

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