Project 365: Days 117-130

This post is long overdue. But it seems to have become a habit to do my Project 365 posts on a weekly (or every other week) basis.

It’s been a busy couple of weeks — shot two Sounders matches, had some more Seattle snow, and we finally saw the first signs of Spring.

I’d say that hopefully I’ll start posting these photos daily again, but somehow I doubt that will happen.

Day 117: Glass Abstract

Day 118: Blood Orange Reflection

Day 119: Late Snow

Day 120: Early Tulip

Day 121: Ball Bearings

Day 122: Hairy Chest

Day 123: Flaco Dribbling

Day 124: Angle

Day 125: Pleats

Day 126: Cubic Corner

Day 127: Dahlia Decor

Day 128: Mouse

Day 129: Goal Kick

Day 130: Tea Curves

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