Project 365: Days 322-335

Here are another two weeks of Project 365 photos. I really need to get on top of catching up. I only have another two weeks of shooting before I’m done, and I still have quite the backlog! So, without anything further, here are days 322-335… Follow @mikerussellfoto Day 322: Whispy …

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Project 365: Days 260-269 (that’s today!)

I’m not sure which is more momentous – that I have less than 100 days left of my Project 365, or that I have actually caught up to posting my most recent photo. Follow @mikerussellfoto Day 260: Weathered On our recent trip to Central Washington, we stopped at this old …

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Project 365: Day 235 – A West Seattle Sunset

I warned you in my last 365 post that I was recently starting to be attracted to shooting clouds. Well, here in Seattle we had quite the sunset on July 8th. The first couple of shots were from my bedroom window. But there was still some time before sunset, so …

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Project 365: Days 228-234

Wow, two Project 365 posts in less than a week! Crazy! This one covers days 228-234, the first week of July. I have a few photos from day 235 that I like, so that one might be getting its own entry. We shall see. The weather was continuing to improve, …

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Project 365: Days 215-227

Ok, I am so far behind in posting my Project 365 photos that I need to do my batch posts in batches. Otherwise, I will never get it done! So, here are days 215-227. Which brings us up to the end of June. Yeah, I’ve fallen way behind. Follow @mikerussellfoto …

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